Monday, January 21, 2008

Remembering Dr. King

It's Martin Luther King Day - a time to reflect on how far we have come in achieving equal rights in the United States and elsewhere. It is also a time to work together to continue that progress and recognize that there is more work to be done. I was reminded of this last night as I returned to my campus apartment in Syracuse. As I walked through the parking lot to the car, I heard a rustling near the trash cans of one of the houses. The sad thing is that I knew exactly what, or who, it was. On one of the coldest winter nights, the sound came from a homeless man of color who was delicately combing the recycling bins for cans and bottles. It hit home - myself just getting off a six hour shift for more than $7 an hour, and this man searching the city day and night for 5 cents here and there. And he is only one. I'm sure there are hundreds more in Syracuse - some lucky enough to be in warm shelters for the night, but too many are, like this gentleman, out on the streets. There is still work to be done.

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