Friday, December 19, 2008

Christmas sale at the toy store? Nope. Went bankrupt.

I couldn't help but spent a moment reliving a childhood memory when I heard that KB Toys filed for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy today and will begin liquidating stores before the end of the year.

I remember my grandma taking me to the mall when I was a little kid, and one of my favorite places to stop was KB Toys in Irondequoit Mall. At one visit, she bought me a little detective kit that included a plastic gun, toy handcuffs, a badge and several other essential gadgets.

Those were the days. I miss when Irondequoit Mall was full of stores and life. It's so sad to see it empty. It was always such a nice place to visit, with all of its natural light and huge fountains. Back then I never would have thought that the toy store would outlast the mall, but that was the case.