
Rob Spagnoletti: Musician & Family Man

This was my first attempt at creating an audio slideshow.  While there are a lot of things I would have done differently given another chance, I still like how this turned out overall.  It was an assignment for my multimedia journalism class where we had to profile a musician.  We had to not only include their passion for music, but also their career and family life.

I had the pleasure of profiling Rob Spagnoletti, a drum and guitar player, and a maintenance manager at Syracuse University.  His job allows him to work during the day, and play gigs at night and on the weekends.  Most importantly, being an employ of the university has allowed his daughter to receive an SU education.

Syracuse University Relay for Life, 2010

Syracuse's Relay for Life from The NewsHouse on Vimeo.

This was a project I worked on with Robin Clutters for a multimedia journalism class.  The video was featured on the website - a Syracuse University news and entertainment site produced by students at the Newhouse School.