Friday, August 05, 2011

SCHOOLS: RCSD capital project may have hit snag

An article in the Democrat and Chronicle today highlights a potential snag in the Rochester City School District's $1 Billion capital project to modernize facilities.  The story really focuses on the red tape that's holding up payment to the company contracted to manage the construction and planning - which is interesting all by itself.  You can read that article at the D&C's website by clicking HERE.  But that's not the part of the story that got my attention.

The name of the building company the District contracted with is Gilbane, Inc.  I knew I recognized that name before, so I did some searching on Google, and found what I was looking for.  Gilbane is the same company handling a major school renovation project in Syracuse.  The company stuck out because the project got a lot of attention, and scrutiny, from the Syracuse media.  If how things are going there is any indication of what's in store here in Rochester - we'd all better fasten our seat belts.

Now, to be fair - the scope of the work that needs to be in both cities is significant.  We're talking about some buildings that are nearly a century - or more - old.  And amid massive deficits and cuts, neither district is in the best position to finance all the work that needs to be done.  And at least in Syracuse, there was plenty of blame to go around - including the district and city hall.

I've dug up several articles from the Syracuse Post-Standard that shed some light on just some of the problems in Syracuse (links below).  Hopefully Rochester can learn a few things.

Syracuse Post-Standard articles:

Other Links:

Syracuse Joint Schools Construction Board 

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